Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ashley, now 15, is a freshman in high school and has adapted to her new role as student and young mother. After the birth of Aiden, Ashley returned to school, and much to her shock, discovered that the boy who was convicted of raping her was allowed to attend the same school. Her rapist, who was also a minor when the crime occurred, was protected as a juvenile and his identity was never released. Ashley was quickly taken out of the main school by her parents and put into an alternate school, so she could continue her studies without incident. Ashley is excelling in her classes and is a straight A student.
Last August, Ashley’s family faced another devastating tragedy. Her brother was killed by a hit-and-run driver while riding his bike not far from the family home. The perpetrator still hasn't been identified. This tragic event has devastated this family, but through prayer and the assistance of family and friends, they are putting their lives back together once again.
Although this road hasn’t been easy, Aiden is now 18 months old and has brought his young mother love and healing from a situation that once felt unbearable. Ashley will be attending the March for Life this year with the organization Living Exceptions, as Aiden is a true “Living Exception" and his and Ashley's story epitomizes the mission of this life-saving organization. Stop by the Living Exceptions booth and give Ashley words of encouragement as she continues to embrace life by raising her son and doing the right thing.
If you would like to donate to Ashley and Aiden, you can do so at All donations to Ashley and Aiden go directly to help the family to buy diapers, wipes, and clothing, or you can choose to help defray Ashley's expenses when she is out in Washington attending the March for Life.
Currently, Ashley does not receive support from the State of Indiana. Unfortunately, the state of Indiana is one of 31 states that has no law protecting a child conceived through rape from his biological father. If Ashley files for any kind of government assistance, the state must go after Aiden’s biological father for repayment. In return, he can demand visitation rights. We are encouraging legislators to pass legislation protecting these children and their mothers from being victimized once again by terminating any rights that father might have. But until Indiana changes its law regarding children conceived in rape, Ashley’s parents must bear the financial burden of caring for Aiden. If you would like to read more on the states that have no laws protecting children who are conceived through rape you can go to for more info.
As individuals committed to the pro-life cause, we must be willing to step up and support young girls, such as Ashley. If you are financially able, please consider helping this young mother. To follow Ashley and Aiden’s story visit my Facebook page at
Monday, January 5, 2015

As I sit at the fire station working my shift as a
medic/firefighter, waiting for our next emergency, my heart is heavy. I just
got a call that another newborn child has been found dead in the woods in
Indianapolis, umbilical cord still attached and discarded like a piece of trash.
I wonder if this young mother knew that
there is a law that could have saved her young daughter and this young mothers
name would have never been known. The
law I'm referring to is the Safe Haven Law--a law that has been in effect for
almost 14 years that has saved the lives of almost 3000 babies nationwide.
Back in April 1973, a young 17-year-old girl, scared and
alone, gave birth to a baby girl. She had been raped nine months prior and was
determined to do what she felt was best for her baby. Two hours after giving
birth, she abandoned her baby at a local hospital, the one place where she knew
her baby would be cared for and protected. I was that baby, and my biological
mother abandoned me without the protection of the Safe Haven Law. She did it
out of desperation because she felt there was no other option. Today, however, we have a law in place that
protects not only the life of the child, but also protects the mother from
prosecution. The Safe Haven Law was enacted to give women like my birthmother
who find themselves scared, alone, and desperate an alternative to abandoning
their child.
The Safe Haven Law, also called the Baby Moses Law in some
states, is in all 50 states and in the District of Columbia. The law is in
place to protect all parties involved. In most states, a woman has 30 days
after birth to safely surrender the child at any fire station, police station
or hospital with no questions asked. In some of these states, the girl gets
free medical care to assist with the birth of the child or any complications
resulting from the birth. This law is a win, win situation for all parties
involved. The mother walks away with zero chance of prosecution, while the baby
has the opportunity to be adopted into a loving home, and a family opens their
hearts and home to the child for whom they've prayed.
As we were busy making plans to celebrate the beginning of a
new year a desperate young woman out of Indianapolis felt she had no choice, no
other option, but to continue to hide her pregnancy, and once that child was
born, to hide her from the world. Unfortunately, she made a devastating choice
and left her baby in the woods, exposed to the elements of harsh winter. Now,
we are planning a funeral for a child that never had the opportunity to see her
first birthday. This child has been named
“Amelia Hope” as the name Amelia means defender.
As a firefighter/medic for the state of Indiana and the fact
that I was abandoned as a child, I feel a personal need to educate our youth
and our communities about this life-saving law. In a perfect world, we would prefer that the
mother come forward, visit a local crisis pregnancy center, and receive the
assistance and counseling she needs; however, this may not be possible in all
situations. With these cases, we want young women to know that the Safe Haven
Law is there as an option that respects the lives of both mother and child.
If you or someone you know would like more information about
relinquishing a newborn child, please call 1-877-796-HOPE or go to
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